About myself
Hi there, I’m Ostap. Young, passionate Ukrainian creative, now based in Dubai - City that never stays the same. Being here seems to give me a good chance of becoming someone I've always wanted to become. Here opportunities are all around and I'm eager to make good use of them.
Throughout my life I've been very fascinated by physical form and function of things I saw around me, and even more with mechanical nature of them. That definitely explains why from a very early age I enjoyed disassembling toys I was supposed to play with, and figuring out how they function. Then as I grew older I started using some more "sophisticated strategies" to make my DIY projects. Looking back at this I only wish I would have used the global network more often to find extra knowledge and to look for tutorials.
I feel that over the years, I have developed a good style in my learning and professional attitude to work I do, as well as reputation for being a deep thinking, dedication person. Although I certainly celebrate the classic function of the products, materials or executions, I’m not afraid to use them in a new, sometimes quite surprising ways. Evolution is everything, but if tomorrow we are just the same as yesterday, then what's the point of it all? . .

What I do
In my work, I try to find the right balance between look and function. From drawing ideas on paper, all the way to the prototype construction and actual physical representations of my work as a creative engeneer and fabricator. I am not a fan of cutting corners when it comes to execution. It ensures that my quality is uncompromized, and with the best possible case by case solutions, materials and executions. Time flies fast - I 've got to be faster!

Junior Specialist
The Volyn State Colledge of Music and Arts
Work Experience:
Costume Specialist
J1K Limited, Dubai, UAE
Limelight LLC, Hong Kong, China
Senior Costume Specialist
Technical Director, CFO
The Flow Limited,Dubai, UAE
LaPerle, Dubai, UAE
Costume and Prop Maker
Lead Character Performer
The Land of Legends, Antalya, Turkey